Inspections not showing up on SmartView
PlannedWe are having an issue with engine companies using SmartView. We have an apartment complex that requires common areas to be inspected, (Sprinkler Riser Rooms etc.), we also conduct occupancy inspections on individual apartments when they transfer ownership or renters.
The problem we are running across is when an engine company responds to 123 Main Street apartments and they go to pull up a Pre-Plan, they get all the apartments that have been inspected at 123 main street apartments A-Z. This can be confusing for the responding engine company. We have labeled the Pre-Plan to read Pre-Plan at the beginning to help eliminate the confusing, but it still populates in the search query with everything matching that address.
Is there a way to not have the inspections populate in smart view for engine companies? So they are not seeing all the inspections at a particular complex, and will only populate the Pre-Plans?
Official comment
Hi Ron,
Thank you for posting this question. We are in the final stages of implementation for our "Inspect-Only" feature, which allows users to designate particular occupancies as being "Inspect-Only" and not preplanned occupancies. Occupancies marked in this way will not appear in SmartMAP or SmartView.
The feature is expected to be fully implemented by the end of September 2021.
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