Preplans, or building information plans, can be exported from the CityScape Admin Interface through the SmartCapture tab. Individual plans, exported in PDF format, can be generated by selecting the button for the desired building. The file will be automatically generated and downloaded.
A bulk export of plans, exported in either PDF or CSV format, can also be generated from the SmartCapture tab by selecting the button.
If completing a bulk export of preplans, you'll then be presented with the following window asking you to set up the parameters of your export. You can select from PDF or CSV output. If you select CSV, you'll also have to choose between Building List (a CSV list of all buildings, their names, and addresses) or Building Data (all textual data and all images). You can then select either an Export Range of All or a custom date range. If you are exporting to PDF or CSV - Building Data, you'll then have to enter an email to which a download link will be sent. If CSV - Building List is selected, the file will download directly to your device.
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